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» to co owner crystal
Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 1:08 pm by i cant log in to co-kyle

» Why i should be a moderator
Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 4:43 am by kurb

» Reasons why it would be a good choice to make me a Mod.
Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 4:43 am by kurb

» 317unrealscape37
Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeSat Jul 10, 2010 12:29 pm by Justin

» 317unrealscape37
Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeSat Jul 10, 2010 12:28 pm by Justin

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colorz (27)
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raltinx0x (24)
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admin cina (17)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
kurb (14)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
kn33s defend (8)
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death yoshi (8)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
Justin (8)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
owner crystal (8)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
chesus (3)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 
naruto erfon (2)
Why i should be a moderator I_vote_lcapWhy i should be a moderator I_voting_barWhy i should be a moderator I_vote_rcap 


 Why i should be a moderator

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PostSubject: Why i should be a moderator   Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeFri Jul 09, 2010 10:15 am

I think i should be able to be a moderator because i always help out new players make sure current players are following the rules give helpful advice on new things for the website and things that shouldn't be on the website so basically i think im a great choice for a moderator because i am a dedicated person and i do have experience of being a mod admin and co owner so i would know what im doing i can also give new members pointers on how to make money where to train i have very good experience by being a co owner admin 4 times and mod 5 times and every time ive been told that i did a great job people love me im super helpful with site news and im online almost all the time so im a good choice. p.s. this is Raltinx0x but i had to make a new account because of technical difficulties.
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Join date : 2010-07-08

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PostSubject: Re: Why i should be a moderator   Why i should be a moderator Icon_minitimeMon Jul 12, 2010 4:43 am

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